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Middlebury Auto Repair

Auto Repair Services Near Middlebury, IN - Try Goldstone Automotive

If you are looking for an affordable and trustworthy auto repair shop in Middlebury, we hope you choose Goldstone Automotive!

Goldstone Automotive is Middlebury's number one choice for auto repair. Our staff is well-trained with the goal of consistent and great customer service. We are conveniently located near Middlebury. Drop by the auto repair shop today at 23513 US 33, Elkhart, IN, 46517 any time, or give us a call at 574-875-5757 and schedule an appointment.




I am a first time customer. I stopped on a whim because I learned that you service vehicles for Concord Cars, and I have a 2018 Nissan Frontier I purchased from CC last year. Your service is excellent, your shop is spotless and the receptionist was especially helpful and friendly. What I must mention...and loved. The two Yorkies you have there. I am a Yorkie owner/lover and it is largely because of that photo that I will be a return customer. I'll be back.


Car Care Aware